How to use ‘Update’?

Click to view the Video guide

1.         ‘Update’ is intented to provide awareness programs for all the employees at JMMC&RI and share links to all such programs in one place.

2.         These programs have been catagoriesd as seen in the home page.

3.         Each page will have sub-sections giving programs that are specific to each area.

4.         All programs have the same structure as each link leads to a 1) video or slide Presentation followed by   2) a short questionnaire.

5.         All Jubileeans can view the presentations as many times as needed. However,

6.         Your view will be recorded only if you fill in the questionnaire following the presentaiton.

7.         For each record of view the respctive individual will get relevent hours / points of training. Such points will be received only once for each program; therefore watch out for new programs.

8.         Special care needs to be taken to input the right employee code as otherwise the record will not reflect against your name.


We wish you the very best to

Learn, Teach Grow & Serve Better!








Learning & Development initiative exclusively for all the Jubileeans employed at